The current state of the wine market in Russia


Pavlova Tatyana Alexandrovna,Rogovenko Natalya Sergeevna


This scientific article explores the current state of the winemaking market in Russia. Taking into account changing consumer preferences, economic factors and legislative norms, the authors analyze the current situation of the industry, its dynamics and development prospects. The article analyzes the wine industry. The dynamics of the growth of the viticulture industry, the importance of which lies in providing wine producers with wine materials, is considered. The structure and dynamics of sales of wine products are studied both in Russia as a whole and by region. The problem of import substitution in the Russian wine market is considered. The research is based on the analysis of statistical data and marketing research. The article examines the main market trends, including changes in consumer demand, competitive advantages of various segments and opportunities for the development of new production technologies. The presented analysis will help entrepreneurs, investors and regulators to better understand the current situation in the Russian wine market and make informed strategic decisions for the future.   To study the current state of the wine market in Russia, a comprehensive methodological approach was used, including analysis of statistical data, marketing research, interviews with industry experts and analysis of the legislative framework. This approach made it possible to cover various aspects of market dynamics and identify key trends. The scientific novelty of this article lies in an updated analysis of the current state of the wine market in Russia, taking into account the latest trends and changes in the industry. The study includes up-to-date data on consumer preferences, economic factors and legislative impact on the wine market. The conclusions of the article emphasize the increasing demand for high-quality and environmentally friendly wines, the growing interest in local producers and the strengthening of the position of domestic wines in the market. The authors of the article also identified prospects for the development of new production technologies and marketing strategies to attract consumers and investors. In general, the article highlights the importance of adapting the wine industry to changing market conditions and offers practical recommendations for industry participants.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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