Smart specialization of regions as a basis for sustainable development of the Russian Federation


Shaidullin Azat Kamilevich


The article is devoted to the implementation of the concept of "smart specialization" of regions for the purposes of sustainable development of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to justify making adjustments to the issues of strategic planning and territorial management at the federal level for the effective implementation of the principles of smart specialization in the regions. The current macroeconomic conditions prevailing in Russia have led to the formation of a strategic course of socio-economic development of the state in the public administration system, which is based on diversified specialization and sustainable development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. This article offers recommendations on the formation of the concept of smart specialization of the subjects of the Russian Federation at the strategic level. The subject of the research is the concept of smart specialization for sustainable development and the possibility of its reflection in the strategic documents of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research topic is beyond doubt, since the issues of sustainable development of the subjects of the Russian Federation are still topical. The present study is based on the dialectical method of cognition, which includes such methods as comparative, institutional analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. This methodology provided an opportunity to study this problem through the prism of theoretical and practical aspects. It was concluded that "smart specialization" will make it possible to most effectively identify and implement the vector of regional development, select specific measures that are most effective for each of the subjects of the Russian Federation. One of the important tasks when using this approach is to minimize competition between regions, implement the transition from competition for investment and business to joint development of value chains by regions and strengthen interactions between enterprises. The necessity of developing and implementing institutional and methodological foundations for detailing and updating the most economically promising specializations of the regions was justified. The results of this study, the conclusions drawn and the formulated proposals can be used to improve the strategic foundations of territorial management with a view to their sustainable development. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the proposal to make changes to the fundamentals of strategic planning for the territorial development of the regions of the Russian Federation, which will contribute to the implementation of the principles of smart specialization in practice.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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