Security of the Media Audience in the Modern Information Space


Marochkina Svetlana Stanislavovna,Kruglova Marina Sergeevna,Kruglova Lorina Ermondovna


The object of the study is the current state of the information space, the subject of the study is human security in the conditions of modern media space. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the impact of media products on society, manipulative and viral technologies in the media sphere, the theory of setting the agenda, the problem of fake content in mass communications. Particular attention is paid to finding ways to identify fakes in the information field of the Internet and, in particular, social networks to ensure the media security of the user. The authors consider the dynamics of the development of the phenomenon of "post-truth" against the background of pandemic reality, analyze the differences between true news and fake, and provide a set of measures to expose false data in the media environment. The main conclusion of the study is the judgment that the mass audience invariably faces the need to filter content and recognize fakes, especially in the online environment of social networks, which requires certain procedures for monitoring and analyzing information. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the conduct of a sociological study and processing of the results, which allowed us to form a model for evaluating news content in social networks to identify fake posts. The scientific novelty of the study consists in considering the previously unexplored features of the media security of the modern media audience in the information space on the example of social media resources.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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