Anti-Corruption and Illicit Enrichment as its Economic Manifestation


Zolotarev Evgenii Vladimirovich,Sergeev Il'ya Vital'evich,Lapenkova Natalya Vladimirovna,Krupnov Yurii Aleksandrovich


Today, corruption, in accordance with the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, is considered as one of the key internal threats to the economic security of the country. However, practice shows that it not only destroys the mechanism of state administration from within, but is increasingly being used by the West to exert pressure and induce certain Russian officials who have illegal assets abroad to engage in illegal cooperation. In this regard, the creation and development of effective mechanisms to counter illegal enrichment of officials will help to undermine the economic foundations of corruption. The work uses dialectical and comparative legal methods, a systematic approach, tabular interpretation of empirical and factual information. The article explores the genesis of the legal institution of responsibility for illicit enrichment, foreign experience of its regulatory consolidation. Analyzed attempts to criminalize illicit enrichment in Russia. The positions of domestic scientists regarding the expediency of its criminalization at the present stage of development of the Russian legal system are considered. The authors' approach is proposed to fix in the criminal law of Russia responsibility for illegal enrichment of officials. The authors come to the conclusion that a characteristic feature and the ultimate goal of all corruption offenses is the focus on obtaining benefits (illicit enrichment). Illegal enrichment of officials is a serious threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the criminal law of Russia should provide for liability for the acquisition by an official of the ownership or use of assets, the value of which significantly exceeds the legal income of this person and his wife (spouse), as well as for the acquisition of such assets in the interests of third parties.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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