Interaction of Public Authorities in the Sphere of Strategic Planning of the Russian Federation


Starovoitov Vladimir Gavrilovich


The subject of the study is organizational and managerial relations arising from the interaction of public authorities in the field of strategic planning. The object of the study is the strategic planning system of Russia. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, a systematic and integrated approach. The author examines in detail the aspects of the emergence of a new concept of "public authority" in modern Russian legislation. Special attention is paid to the structure of the unified system of public power and the interaction of public authorities with each other in the process of strategic planning. The article shows that the activities of public authorities, as participants in strategic planning, are aimed at solving the problems of socio-economic development and ensuring the national security of Russia. The novelty of the research lies in the formation of a system of interaction between public authorities capable of increasing the effectiveness of the strategic planning participants in addressing issues of socio-economic development and ensuring the economic and national security of Russia. The article shows that currently the interaction of public authorities in the field of strategic planning is extremely relevant and should be aimed at their mobilization for the implementation of the fundamental documents of strategic planning - the Strategy of Economic Security of the Russian Federation and the Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation. The main conclusions. The use of the results of the conducted research allows: - to increase the mobilization level and the effectiveness of the activities of public authorities; -optimize (reduce) the number of strategic planning documents being developed; -ensure consistency of strategic and budget planning; -increase the level of information and analytical support to support management decision-making processes; -ensure effective control and monitoring in the field of strategic planning; -increase efficiency in the adjustment of plans and programs; -to increase the responsibility of officials of public authorities in the field of strategic planning.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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