On the issue of Interpol's legal use of Article 3 of the Organization's Charter in the context of international search for persons and cooperation in combating crime


Koynov Maxim Yurevich,Koinov Stanislav Vadimovich


The subject of the research in the article is the issue of the prohibition of the activities of Interpol on the political, military, religious or racial nature of interference (persecution) of persons on the international wanted list or involved in global criminal activity, on the basis of Article 3 of the Statute of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). In the context of the application of this article, the establishment of the boundaries of possible interference (prosecution) of these persons, according to the principles of international law. The author has carried out a comparative legal analysis of international legal acts regulating the provisions on restricting the actions of international bodies on the basis of political, military, religious and racial persecution.The main conclusions of this study are the establishment of the boundaries of possible persecution of persons who are on the international wanted list and involved in global crime and hiding from justice behind the wall of international principles for the protection of human rights and freedoms (prohibition of persecution on religious, racial, political and other characteristics).The author classifies the categories of crimes for which the provisions of Article 3 of the Charter apply, and also identifies exceptions from these categories based on the characteristics of criminal law. The basis of the conducted research is the method of comparative legal analysis of normative legal acts, which allowed us to deduce some patterns, the application of international law, the protection of human rights and freedoms from criminally punishable signs of an act.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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