1. BSCEE (2014), BSCEE Review 2014, Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe, https://www.bscee.org/publications/review.html (accessed 2016-03-25).
2. CSO (2015a), Economic Activity of Entities with Foreign Capital in 2014, Central Statistical Office of Poland.
3. CSO (2015b), Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2015, Central Statistical Office of Poland.
4. EU (2014), ECFIN Country Focus, Volume 11, Issue 9, October 2014, European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/country_focus/2014/cf-vol11_9_en.htm (accessed 2016-08-20).
5. EU (2015a), Innovation Union Scoreboard 2015, European Commission.