1. 500-year chronology of anomalous phenomena in the nature and society of Siberia and Mongolia. Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House, 2003. 383 p.
2. The Asian part of Russia: modeling economic development in the context of historical experience. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012. 463 p.
3. Akimov V.A., Durnev R.A., Sokolov Yu.I. Dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena in Russia. Moscow: VNIIGOCHS, 2009. 313 p.
4. Atlas of natural and man-made hazards and risks of emergency situations in the Russian Federation. Moscow: CPI “Design. Information. Cartography”, 2005. 270 p.
5. Atlas of natural and man-made hazards and risks of emergency situations. Moscow: Feoria Press, 2011. 720 p.