Treatment of Acute Drug-Induced Psychoses, Associated with Modern Synthetic Psychoactive Substances


Bokhan N. A.1ORCID,Usov G. M.2ORCID,Rakitin S. A.3ORCID,Kurushkin M. V.3ORCID


1. Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Omsk State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

3. Omsk Regional “Drug Treatment Dispensary”


Use of new synthetic drugs (synthetic cannabinoids — “spices”, synthetic psychostimulants — “salts”, synthetic GABA-agonists — “butyrates”) is associated with a high risk of psychoses. Nowadays there are no evidence-based guidelines for treatment of these psychotic disorders. Objective: to develop effective therapeutic strategies for the treatment of acute substance-induced psychoses associated with modern synthetic drugs. Material and methods: 96 patients with substance-induced psychoses associated with synthetic cannabinoids (n = 32), synthetic psychostimulants (n = 33), and synthetic GABA-agonists (n = 31) were examined. In these groups we estimated effectiveness of different combination therapy: desintoxication and benzodiazepine, desintoxication and benzodiazepine and haloperidol, desintoxication, benzodiazepine and phenibut. The following methods were used: clinical-psychopathological, laboratory, statistics. Results: сomparative efficacy of therapeutic strategies differed in three investigated groups. In psychoses associated with synthetic cannabinoids the most effective strategy was haloperidol add-on. Differences between treatment approaches in group of psychostimulants-induced psychoses were not found. In psychoses associated with synthetic GABA-agonists the most effective strategy was phenibut add-on. Conclusion: the choice of effective therapeutic intervention in drug-induced psychosis should be based on type of synthetic drug.


Medical Informational Agency Publishers


Biological Psychiatry,Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Psychology

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