Development economy policies, in other words, the policy preferences of countries for economic and social development, especially growth, are shaped within the framework of the conditions of every period from the past to the present, mainly after the Second World War, and the climate of economic thought that came to the fore in these periods. The aim of this study is to examine the changes in economic policies, more precisely in development economy policies, in the last century and to examine the underlying issues of the main policy changes in this period. Furthermore, the prominent issues in today's development economy policies, which are shaped by the effects of the inequalities experienced and the problems encountered at the national and international level, are discussed. In this study, a chronological process is followed as a method, and it is tried to establish the cause and effect connections of the main policy change or preferences. Strengthening the inclusiveness of sustainable development and growth gains importance in today's development economy policies. The need for increasing competitiveness in the economy, acquiring professional skills in line with the changing labor demand and effective social protection systems is increasing. There is an increase in process operation based on plans, programs and strategies in the functioning of economies, although it is different from the planned development models of the 1960s. At this point, it is seen that a more balanced development process in economic, social and environmental issues is aimed instead of the efficiency, growth and stability-based policies implemented after 1980.
Electronic Journal of Social Sciences
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