1. 1. Instituto Argentino de Racionalización de Materiales, IRAM 29481-1 based on ISO/DIS 10381-1: Soil Quality-Sampling Part 1: Guidance on the Design of Sampling Programs and ISO/TC 190 Soil Quality, 1995
2. 2. B. Kratochvil and N. Taylor, Anal. Chem., 1981, 924A - 938A.
3. 3. USA Soil, Conservation Service, “Procedures for collecting soil samples and method of analysis for soil survey”, 1998, Washington, D.C.
4. 4. IAEA TECDOC-950, June 1997.
5. 5. USA Soil, Conservation Service, “Procedures for collecting soil samples and method of analysis for soil survey”, 1984, Washington, D.C.