1. 1. A. M. Krstulovic, “Chiral Separation by HPLC: Applications to Pharmaceutical Compounds”, 1989, Ellis Horwood Ltd., New York.
2. 2. H. Y. Aboul-Enein and I. W. Wainer, “The Impact of Stereochemistry on Drugs Development and Use”, 1997, Vol. 142, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. 3. K. W. Busch and M. A. Busch, “Chiral Analysis”, 2006, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
4. 4. G. Subramanian, “Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach Third, Completely Revised and Updated Edition”, 2007, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
5. 5. The International Conference on Harmonization, ICHQ6A, “Specifications: Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Sunstances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances”, http://www.pmda.go.jp/ich/q/q6a_01_5_1e.pdf.