Efektivitas Kebijakan Program Cinta Bangga dan Paham Rupiah di Kabupaten Nunukan


Mawar ,Rahman Abdul,Evi Satispi


This article aims to analyze the effectiveness of the love, pride and understanding of the rupiah program policy in Nunukan Regency. The problem focuses on the lack of public awareness of using the rupiah currency in the Indonesia-Malaysia border area (especially in Nunukan Regency). In order to approach this problem, 3 main policy/program parameters are used as a reference, namely: love, pride and understanding of the Rupiah as set by Bank of Indonesia. Data were acquired through the collection of both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data was procured via observations and questionnaires disseminated to 50 respondents, and it was subsequently assessed using a Likert scale. Conversely, secondary data was sourced from various policy documents. This article yields the conclusion that the evaluation of the "Love, Pride, and Understanding of the Rupiah" program in Nunukan Regency produces generally favorable results. This assessment is primarily rooted in the reasonably positive level of public understanding. However, it is important to note that several challenges persist, including the insufficient comprehension of the role of the Bank of Indonesia and the underlying philosophy behind the rupiah, a limited awareness of the consequences of frequent use of the ringgit, a constrained circulation of the rupiah currency, and a low percentage of non-cash transactions.


Universitas Medan Area


General Medicine

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