Afiani Damalena,Widyorini Endang,Primastuti Emiliana
Online games can cause addiction or addiction in adolescents. Online gaming addiction behavior is like pathological gambling behavior. Factors that influence online game addiction include escapism behavior and neuroticism personality possessed by individuals. This study aims to analyze the relationship between escapism behavior and neuroticism personality towards online game addiction in adolescents. The research method used is multiple regression correlation. The participants in this study were 150 junior high school students with age criteria of 12-15 years and played online games 8 hours a day. The results showed that escapism and neurotic personality simultaneously had a significant effect on online game addiction in adolescents. In addition, an R2 value of 0.409 was also obtained, where the role of escapism and neuroticism in online game addiction was 40.9%. The higher the adolescent's escampe behavior and neuroticism personality, the higher the adolescent's addiction to online games.
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry