
Bozgulova N. A.1,Adambekova A. A.1


1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Cost management becomes the most effective aspect in effective business management. This is determined both by the limited growth of margin income in the stable trends of low added value, and by industry features. The relevance of the presented research is determined both by the dynamic development of the construction industry, which indicates the concentration of risks, and by the increasing potential in optimizing conditionally constant and conditionally variable costs, which are characteristic of construction. The search for reserves to reduce the cost of construction and increase profitability requires management data on the real level of costs. Research in the field of cost management and accounting is receiving increasing attention from researchers due to the scientific prospects of this area of economic knowledge.The purpose of the research is to clarify the features of cost management and their accounting in construction, taking into account current trends in the development of the industry.Research methodology: the use of general scientific methods of cognition (synthesis, analogy, generalization, deduction) allowed us to develop general patterns in the management of costs in construction. Data collection, study and comparison were carried out using empirical methods. When processing and systematizing the data, grouping and classification methods were used, which made it possible to identify opportunities for allocating new cost groups in the management accounting system. The information and statistical base of the study was compiled according to official periodicals and information and analytical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The originality / value of the study lies in the fact that it summarizes, evaluates and expands knowledge about costs in the construction industry, clarifying the impact of cost classification in improving the accounting of variable and fixed, direct and indirect costs.Findings. The author analyzes the main issues related to determining the cost of housing construction. The main types of costs arising in construction are clarified, the differentiation of costs for the purposes of their management and distribution in margin management is carried out, the issues of cost accounting in the context of financial and managerial accounting are investigated.


Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company

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