1. University of Central Asia
2. Narxoz University
The purpose of the study is to analyze the main problems of sustainable infrastructure development in Central Asian (CA) cities to achieve sustainable development.Methodology: the study of the infrastructure development in the cities of Central Asia (Almaty, Bishkek, Dushanbe and Tashkent) focusing on sustainability applied systematic content analysis, working with literature and application of knowledge gained from the practical experience. The sampling units for analysis are the SDGs, applied reforms and their impact on infrastructure development, urban governance and planning, and dialogue between city authorities and the population.Originality / value of the research. The CA countries are actively joining the global agenda to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs), adjust urban development policies and set the goal of transitioning to a green economy. However, CA cities are not yet ready to benefi t from the transition to a green economy, as they are still dependent on rapidly ageing and expensive to maintain Soviet infrastructure. This study contributes to the theory of eff ective planning and management of urban development and informs about the existing gaps in the urban policy of CA.Research results: planning and investment in the development of sustainable urban infrastructure, eff ective decentralization reforms, an integrated urban planning system to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability, transparency in decision-making and the development of public accountability.
Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company
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