
Bogomolova I. P.1,Mizanbekova S. K.2,Keneev M. Zh.2


1. Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

2. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University


The purpose of the study. To analyze the state of meat production in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation with the allocation of promising points of balanced growth and sustainable development in order to form clear prerequisites for improving the quality of nutrition of the population of these countries.Methodology. The following scientific methods are used in the work: statistical observation; comparative analysis; meta-analysis; multidimensional statistical analysis; analogy; synthesis; formalization; summary and grouping of statistical observation materials; absolute and relative statistical values; expert evaluation; retrospective.The originality / value of the research is to identify promising directions for the development and sustainable growth of the sectoral sectors of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.Findings. Today in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, a large number of industry programs have been approved and are being implemented quite successfully, aimed at ensuring the sustainable and effective development of meat-product subcomplexes; promising forms of organization of the industry market are: contracting of raw materials; sale of products at wholesale sites; sale through commodity distribution networks of farmers' cooperation; supplies at the intersectoral level; stock exchanges; sale from farms; in Kazakhstan today, feed is produced almost 2 times less than the zootechnical norm; specialized enterprises for fattening cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry should become the basis of the meat industry of Kazakhstan; specialization, compared with diversified production, provides 1.5-2 times higher productivity and reduces the cost of livestock production by 25-40% in Kazakhstan; mechanized shepherd brigades should become the main organizational form of lamb production in steppe, semi-desert areas; one of the most significant risks in the development of modern animal husbandry in Russia is the threat of the spread of dangerous and especially dangerous diseases among; today in the Russian Federation there is a serious spread between the initial price of agricultural producers and the final price in the retail segment for meat products; the level of resource provision in the Russian Federation has quite high indicators and a steady growth trend is inherent in it; today the industry sector in Russia is functioning steadily, and the points of growth should be: export; entrepreneurship; investment; digitalization; veterinary control; the basis for the sustainable development of the industrial sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation should be specialized enterprises for fattening cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry.


Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company

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