State governance through the lens of economic theories


Muslimov R. A.1ORCID,Adambekova A. A.2ORCID


1. «Gylym Ordasy» CS MSHE RK

2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Purpose of the research. This paper presents the results of research on methods and tools of state regulation reflected in schools of economic theory, which originated in the early 16th century and continue to develop to the present day. The aim of the study is to examine the main approaches to state participation in the economic life of a country, in different periods of the history of the world economy. State regulation of the economy is an important aspect of modern economic policy and generates many discussions.Methodology. This research provides an overview of various schools of economic thought and their views on state regulation in schools of economic theory. It includes a discussion of regulatory tools and methods, such as taxes, subsidies, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and market regulation.Findings. The paper also addresses issues of regulatory efficiency, the balance between state intervention and market freedom, and social justice. Understanding these ideas and concepts allows for a conscious analysis and discussion of current problems of state regulation in the modern economy. Recommendations are aimed at studying the effectiveness of state intervention in various economic conditions. This includes assessing the impact of regulation on economic growth, market stability, and social justice.


Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company

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