Ways to increase population income in conditions of economic instability


Yelshibayev R. K.1


1. Narxoz University


The purpose of the research is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of incomes of the population in the country, economic and statistical analysis for specific official data and determine ways to increase incomes.Methodology. The study used methods of economic and statistical analysis and comparative assessment.The originality / value of the research are conclusions and proposals for increasing incomes as a result of a comprehensive analysis of the sources of formation, composition and structure of monetary incomes of the population in conditions of economic instability.Findings. The research proposed recommendations for increasing income through economic growth and improving the management of inflationary processes, reducing the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, developing a specific action plan taking into account regional characteristics in order to reduce the poverty line, and eliminating the income gap in urban and rural areas.


Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company

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