The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of the youth labor market in Kazakhstan and its main indicators, consider and assess the mechanism of functioning of the system of state support for youth employment; also in reviewing the possibilities of government programs aimed at combating unemployment, including youth unemployment resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.The research methodology includes statistical and economic, dialectical and comparative methods that were used in writing this scientific article. Since statistical and economic methods are a set of methods used in a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of the development of certain economic processes, in this article, using the method under consideration, indicators of youth employment in Kazakhstan were grouped, statistical information was developed and analyzed, and also with the help of graphs and diagrams, the analysis results are displayed and assessed the state of the youth labor market. And with the help of the dialectical method, the state of development of economic processes in the labor market, in particular the relationship and interaction between the elements of the mechanism of state support was revealed. Using the comparative method, a comparative analysis of the indicators of the youth labor market and the experience of the functioning of the mechanism of state regulation, as well as the dynamics of changes in the indicators of youth unemployment over a five-year period was carried out.The originality / value of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of youth employment indicators in Kazakhstan for 2015-2019 and an assessment of the mechanism for the functioning of state programs and other elements of the state regulation system aimed at supporting the youth labor market in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.Findings - main focus andfindings of the article. The research results are related to the analysis of the main indicators of the youth labor market in Kazakhstan and the identification of the main priorities of social policy aimed at improving the system of state support for youth employment.
Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company
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