1. Belarus' i Rossiya (Belarus and Russia) . Moscow, Russia: Belstat and Rosstat, various years.
2. Blanchard, Olivier and Gian M. Milesi-Ferretti, Global Imbalances: In Midstream? Washington, DC: IMF Staff Position Note, SPN/09/29, 2009.
3. CBR (Central Bank of Russia), "Informatsiya o bivalyutnom operatsionnom orientire (Information on a Two-Currency Operational Reference Point)," March 6, 2007 [ http://www.cbr.ru/press/Archive_get_blob.asp?doc_id=070306_1107551.htm
4. CBR (Central Bank of Russia), "Osnovnyye napravleniya yedinoy gosudarstvennoy denezhno-kreditnoy politiki na 2010 god i period 2011 i 2012 godov (Basic Guidelines for Currency-Credit Policy for 2010 and the Period 2011-2012)," approved by the Board of Directors of the CBR on November 11, 2009 [ http://www.cbr.ru/search/print.asp?File=/analytics/standart_system/policy_old.html
5. CBR (Central Bank of Russia), "Osnovnyye napravleniya yedinoy gosudarstvennoy denezhno-kreditnoy politiki na 2011 god i period 2012 i 2013 godov (Basic Guidelines for Currency-Credit Policy for 2011 and the Period 2012-2013)," approved by the Board of Directors of the CBR on November 12, 2010 [ http://www.cbr.ru/analytics/standart_system/print.asp?file=policy.html