1. Abercrombie, K. L., 1998, What's in a name? Teacher Magazine , Vol. 9, 10-11.
2. Acosta, M., 1998a, King's name for school draws fire. The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA), January 3, p. B1.
3. Acosta, M., 1998b, Most calls oppose King school name. The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA), January 11, p. B3.
4. Acosta, M., 1998c, Grand jury probe spurs move to clarify school-naming policy. The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA), July 9, p. B1.
5. Albuquerque Public Schools, 1996, School names: Selections and Change. Retrieved April 30, 2000 from http://www.aps.edu/aps/Policy/Directives/FACILITY.FIN.html