1. Chazov, E. I., Rok (Fate). Moscow, Russia: Geotar Meditsina, 2000, 288 pp.
2. Dillin, John, "The Incredible Shrinking Russia," Christian Science Monitor , February 22, 2001 (also appearing in Center for Defense Information, CDI Russia Weekly , 142, February 23, 2001h ttp://www.cdi.org/russia/142.html]).
3. Eberstadt, Nicholas, "The Emptying of Russia," The Washington Post , February 13, 2004, A27.
4. Eberstadt, Nicholas, "Demographic/Health Problems in the Russian Federation: Trends, Dimensions, Implications." Paper presented at the Conference on Health and Demography in the States of the Former Soviet Union, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 29-30, 2005.
5. Feshbach, Murray, "A Country on the Verge," New York Times , May 31, 2003, A15.