1. Projected number of people with diagnosed Type 2 diabetes in Germany in 2040
2. Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung, Bundesärztekammer. Nationale Versorgungsleitlinie Typ-2-Diabetes: Teilpublikation der Langfassung, 2. Auflage, [National care guideline for type 2 diabetes: partial publication of the long version, 2nd edition], Version 1. 2021. Available from: www.leitlinien.de. Accessed July 6, 2021. German.
3. Renal effects of SGLT2 inhibitors
4. Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). Jardiance summary of opinion (post authorisation). Available from: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/smop/chmp-post-authorisation-summary-positive-opinion-jardiance-ii-55_en.pdf. Accessed August 16, 2021.