1. SAMHSA. Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. PEP20-07-01-001, NSDUH series H-55). Available from: https://www.samhsa.gov/data/. Accessed August 20, 2022.
2. Overdose deaths accelerating during Covid-19; 2020. Available from: cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/p1218-overdose-deaths-covid-19.html. Accessed March 12, 2021.
3. Contingency Management interventions for non-prescribed drug use during treatment for opiate addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
4. A Systematic Review on the Use of Psychosocial Interventions in Conjunction With Medications for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction
5. Supervised learning events in the Foundation Programme: a UK-wide narrative interview study