1. World Health Organization. Violence against women. Fact Sheets; 2021. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women. Accessed December 1, 2021.
2. Pan American Health Organization. Understanding and addressing violence against women. Washington, D.C.; 2012. Available from: http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/violence/en/index.html. Accessed December 1, 2021.
3. World Health Organization. Global and Regional Estimates of Violence Against Women: Prevalence and Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and Non-Partner Sexual Violence. World Health Organization; 2013:57.
4. United Nations Women. Gender-based violence in Nigeria during the Covid-19 crisis: the shadow pandemic; 2020:11–17. Available from: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/. Accessed December 1, 2021.
5. United Nations. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women. New York: United Nations; 1993.