An Analysis of Butterfly Diversity in Kozluk District (Batman) and Their Preferences for Habitat and Altitude





2. Batman Üniversitesi


Butterfly species are one of the indicator groups for biodiversity change and habitat monitoring. However, studies on butterfly species' habitat and altitude preferences have rarely been evaluated. A study was carried out on the species diversity of butterfly fauna in different habitats and altitudes from Kozluk district of Batman Province. The survey was conducted in 43 locations between 2020-2021. Evaluations were executed for 1.982 butterfly samples collected from the research area. 103 species are diagnosed in 7 families of butterfly; Argynnidae: 15, Libytheidae: 1, Lycaenidae: 34, Papilionidae: 4, Pieridae: 15, Satyridae: 19, Hesperiidae: 15. Among them, 64 species are newly recorded in Kozluk and 34 species in Batman. The species of Libythea celtis (Laicharting, 1782), together with its family Libytheidae, has been added to the fauna of Batman, and the number of butterfly species in Batman increased from 90 to 124. The altitude and habitat preferences of the specimens in the research area and the number of species in the locations of the families are presented and discussed. The majority of the species are determined in oak forests and riverside biotopes. Geçitaltı is the location with the highest number of species. The butterflies are mostly detected between 600-1000 m altitudes with a rate of 72% in the research area. This study is utilizable both to the specification of the distribution areas of the species and to the learning of their ecology.


Batman Üniversitesi BAP


Aksaray University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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