
Pater Ivan


The study analyzes publishing of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (SVU) during the First World War: shows the national and political orientation of editions, its aim at real clarification of the current international situation, and the role and place of Ukrainian issue in the European political space. Emphasis is placed on the importance of SVU press publications on coverage of the military events on all fronts of the war, various problems of Ukrainian national life, the situation of the Ukrainian population in the Russian-occupied Galicia-Bukovina lands, forced military extortions, forcible deportation of Ukrainian intellectuals to Siberia. After the defeat of Russian troops in Galicia, the evacuation of the locals deep into the Russian provinces, establishing of Eastern Orthodoxy on occupied territories. In European countries and among public and political figures and publicists, the Ukrainian case was popularized by the German and French-speaking Ukrainian press. Union appeals to some European peoples with exposing the fabrications of Moscow Pan-Slavism against Slavdom, regarding the protection of culture, prosperity, and peace in Europe from Moscow's barbarism, calling for assistance in resolving the fate of Ukraine was significant. The influence of the information and diplomatic policy of the Union on spreading and promoting the Ukrainian issue as an international factor, as well as raising national consciousness among the captive Ukrainians and deportees of Ukrainian camps in Austria-Hungary and Germany, the propaganda of national liberation ideas among Ukrainian society are revealed. The author showed a wide range of publications: from the camp press to publications of fundamental works of famous Ukrainian and foreign scientists, classics of Ukrainian and world literature, politicians, publicists. It has been shown that SVU publications had a clear political and ideological direction - the struggle for state independence and unity of Ukrainian lands/ Keywords Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, publishing, book, periodical.


Ivan Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

Reference47 articles.

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