Molodovo V (Ukraine): spatial and contextual study of Gravettian levels 10, 9 & 8


Libois Timothée1ORCID


1. Université de Liège


Molodovo V is one of Ukraine’s key-sites for the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. Since its excavation in the 1950’s and 1960’s, this sequence has been a cornerstone for the chrono-cultural framework in the Dniestr valley and adjacent areas. The site is also an important contributor to the issue of the Gravettian emergence. With radiocarbon dates around 29–28 ka uncal BP, its cultural levels 10 and 9 stand as the first Gravettian occurrence in this region, and as one of the earliest in Europe. However, this early presence of the Gravettian is relatively questionable, as it is challenged by the late Aurignacian presence in the neighbouring site of Mitoc-Malu Galben (Romania) which extends until 27.7 ka BP. Despite the consistency of the sedimentary and paleoenvironmental studies at Molodovo V, the archaeological artefacts did not benefit from extensive studies since the excavations – except for typological classification. This paper thus aims at clarifying the association of the lithic materials with the sedimentary stratigraphy and associated dates. Three types of analyses have been realized to check the conditions in which the cultural levels 10, 9 and 8 were excavated, labelled and attributed: a spatial analysis of the lithic artefacts, a refit analysis focused on inter-levels connexions and a spatial study of the position of the Upper Palaeolithic combustion features. Consequently, it appears that most artefacts from levels 10 and 9, and a majority of materials from level 8, are not reliably associated to the sedimentary stratigraphy and dates. Thus, there is no ascertained Gravettian presence in Molodovo V before its level 8, imprecisely dated between 27.000 and 25.000 uncal BP. Key words: Upper Palaeolithic, Gravettian, Ukraine, spatial analysis.


Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique - FNRS


Ivan Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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