
Skopets I. S.,Vesikova N. N.,Bershtein L. L.


High morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease (CHD) in RF presupposes the significance of individual prognosis of cardiovascular risk and of primary prevention.Aim.To analyze the level of risk that could be calculated in patients with CHD debut just before the manifest of the disease and therefore to evaluate the opportunities for the CHD debut by standard scores; to evaluate the relation of a real volume of primary prevention events to current Guidelines.Material and methods.In 122 patients hospitalized with CHD debut as an acute coronary syndrome, a retrospective cardiovascular risk evaluation, which could be found just before the onset of the disease.Results.The prevalence of traditional risk factors among persons with CHD onset was high: 88% patients had ≥3 risk factors. However, before the onset of acute coronary syndrome 68% patients at Framingham scale and 47% by SCORE could have been under the low and moderate calculated risk that shows low sensitivity for the real CHD risk. Calculated risk by the scores has not correlated with the severity of coronary vessels lesion. In analysis of primary prevention events in was found that in the studied group drug therapy of dyslipidemia was not being performed as primary prevention, though it is indicated by the standards for at least 82% patients.Conclusion.The data shows that the use of the main risk scores underestimates real chance of CHD development in the exact patient. Also even for the patients, who require statin prescription for the aim of primary prevention, this therapy is not prescribed. 


Silicea - Poligraf, LLC


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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