1. V.I. Razumovskyi Saratov State Medical University, Saratov
Aim. To assess the association between the 12-month dynamics of cardiovascular risk factors (CVD RFs), progressing chronic kidney disease (CKD), and individual baseline clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) who received active antidiabetic treatment.Material and methods. In total, 122 patients with AH and DM-2 underwent the laboratory assessment of blood and urine samples at baseline and 12 months later, in order to evaluate the levels and dynamics of CVD RFs and CKD severity.Results. After 12 months of continuous therapy with antihypertensive and oral antidiabetic medications and statins, the carbohydrate metabolism parameters significantly improved. However, creatinine clearance decreased significantly (by 7,52%). The direction of renal function parameter changes was determined by the baseline CKD stage. Progressing CKD was also associated with obesity (O), atrial fibrillation (AF), and myocardial infarction (MI) in medical history. In patients with or without O, the albumin-creatinine ratio decreased by 59,8% and 34%, respectively. In participants with or without AF, microalbuminuria increased by 321% and decreased by 53,5%, respectively. In patients with MI in medical history, urine levels of creatinine decreased by 33,6%, while in the other patients, they increased by 5,4%. O was associated with a reduction in total cholesterol (TCH) by 5,5%, while in non-obese patients, TCH levels did not change substantially.Conclusion. In most patients with AH and DM-2, adequate glycemia control, standard antihypertensive treatment, and statin therapy for 12 months were associated with minimal changes in CVD RFs and with a significant deterioration in renal function. The latter was predicted by the CKD stage at baseline, O, MI in medical history, and AF.
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
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