Carotid endarterectomy in Russia. What if current guidelines do not answer difficult questions?


Sukhareva A. V.1ORCID,Raikonen V. A.1ORCID,Lenskaya S. V.1ORCID,Chelpanova K. V.1ORCID,Shmatov D. V.2ORCID,Korotkikh A. V.3ORCID,Lebedev O. V.4ORCID,Artyukhov S. V.5ORCID,Mukhtorov O. Sh.6ORCID,Lider R. Yu.7ORCID,Wang Sh.8ORCID,Roshkovskaya L. V.9ORCID,Khetagurov M. A.6ORCID,Unguryan V. M.10ORCID,Kazantsev A. N.6ORCID,Belov Yu. V.11ORCID


1. I. I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

2. N. I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of the St. Petersburg State University

3. Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Amur State Medical Academy

4. E. I. Korolev Kostroma Regional Clinical Hospital; Yaroslavl State Medical University

5. I. I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University Alexander City Hospital

6. E. I. Korolev Kostroma Regional Clinical Hospital

7. Kemerovo State Medical University

8. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

9. Alexander City Hospital

10. Kostroma Oncology Dispensary

11. I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; B. V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery


This literature review covers the publications of Russian vascular surgeons in recent years and deals with debatable issues of carotid surgery, including: 1. What is the best technique for carotid endarterectomy (CEA)? 2. Why does restenosis of the internal carotid artery (ICA) develop and how to eliminate it? 3. How to operate on bilateral ICA stenosis? 4. Should carotid glomus be preserved? 5. Is CEA safe in the acute phase of cerebrovascular accident (CVA)? 6. Is CEA safe in elderly patients? 7. How to operate on patients with combined internal carotid and coronary artery involvement? The evidence presented in this publication makes it possible to draw the following conclusions: 1. When choosing a CEA technique, the classical technique with patch angioplasty should be avoided due to the high risk of ICA restenosis. 2. To eliminate ICA restenosis, carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS) should be used. When performing primary CEA with ICA transposition over the hypoglossal nerve, reCEA can be used 3. In the absence of contraindications, bilateral ICA stenosis can be operated at the same time using CEA. 4. CEA with carotid glomus preservation is the operation of choice in the treatment of patients with hemodynamically significant ICA stenosis due to the elimination of the risks of postoperative hypertension and the formation of hemorrhagic transformation. 5. If there are indications for cerebral revascularization in the most acute period of stroke, CEA should be abandoned in favor of CAS. 6. In old age, CAS is the safest treatment strategy. 7. In the presence of a combined ICA and coronary involvement, the choice of treatment tactics should be carried out only by a multidisciplinary commission, taking into account the risk stratification of adverse cardiovascular events. 


Silicea - Poligraf, LLC


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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