Examination of Mathematics Concepts in the Third Grade Life Sciences Textbook According to Mathematics Acquirements from the 3rd Grade to the 8th Grade




The aim of the research is to determine the mathematical concepts in the third-grade life science textbook and to examine the relationship between these concepts and the mathematics achievements of the students from the third grade to the eighth grade. Document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. As a document, the Pacific Publishing 3rd grade Life science textbook provided to public schools by the Ministry of National Education in 2021 was examined. In data analysis, descriptive and content analysis techniques were used according to the nature of the sub-purposes. In the study, as a result of examining the life science lesson in terms of mathematical concepts, "locating and drawing", "data analysis", "time calculations" and "basic mathematics knowledge" were determined as the themes. Categories related to these themes and related mathematical concepts forming the categories were determined in terms of unit and topic distribution. Four categories were determined in the research. These are “Direction and sketch drawing”, “table and graphic interpretation”, “time units" and “mathematical literacy and four operations”. When the units are evaluated together, it has been determined that there are 19 concepts related to mathematics in the third-grade life science textbook. It has been observed that "data analysis" has been found to be the theme most strongly linked to mathematics achievement, and it persists as a spiral of maths success across all grade levels.


Ani Publishing and Consulting Company


General Arts and Humanities

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