A Multiple Case Study on the Reflection of Cultural Capital on Educational Strategies: Private and Public High School Graduates




The main purpose of this study is to describe the cultural capital possessed by graduates of different types of high schools and how that capital shapes educational processes. Accordingly, the study focuses on the cultural capital of graduates of public and private high schools and the strategies they have implemented throughout their educational processes. The research problem of this study is the elucidation of the inequalities created by cultural capital between private and public high school graduates. The study was conducted with a multiple case design due to the qualitative methodology adopted. The sample of the study was selected using maximum variation sampling in accordance with the chosen qualitative method. A semi-structured interview form was administered to 45 participants, 23 of whom had studied in private high schools and 22 of whom had studied in public high schools. MAXQDA 2022 software was used to analyze the data. As a result, it was concluded that private high school graduates and their parents had more institutional cultural capital than public high school graduates. In terms of educational processes, it was observed that participants with higher levels of familial institutional cultural capital preferred schools providing high-quality education rather than schools located closer to home for enrollment. Therefore, it is recommended that state policies be established to remedy the deficiencies of students with low levels of familial cultural capital.


Ani Publishing and Consulting Company


General Arts and Humanities

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