A Comprehensive Review of Forgiveness Interventions in Türkiye






With the rise in the popularity of the positive mental health perspective, the concept of forgiveness has captured the attention of numerous researchers in the psychology and mental health domains. This heightened interest has resulted in a notable surge in studies focused on identifying the variables associated with forgiveness. Beyond elucidating the connection between forgiveness and psychological well-being, there is a growing emphasis on studies that aim to enhance individuals' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes toward forgiveness. In this study utilizing a descriptive research model, 13 theses and 7 articles featuring experimental interventions on forgiveness were scrutinized. The evaluation encompassed the composition of the research group, the primary disciplines and publication years, the study design, characteristics of the applied group intervention, the entity administering it, session numbers, utilized measurement tools, and the effectiveness of the intervention. The findings indicate that all forgiveness interventions effectively heightened participants' knowledge and skills regarding forgiveness, fostering a positive attitude toward forgiveness. In summary, forgiveness interventions are associated with increased forgiveness and a positive impact on psychological health.


Bilgicagi Education Consulting and Publishing Industry Trade Limited Company


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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