Future linear accelerators require klystrons with higher radio frequency (RF) to drive higher gradient accelerating structure. An x-band accelerator structure was used to accelerate electrons at the Shanghai Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility (SXFEL) in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS). A pulse transformer is a crucial device in an RF system. This study presents a high-voltage pulse transformer used for a 50 MW x-band pulsed klystron in SXFEL. Typical specifications of the pulse transformer are peak pulse voltage 420 kV, peak pulse current 300 A, 50 Hz repetition rate and 1.5 μs flat-top pulse width. Design and optimization of pulse transformer are achieved by using equivalent circuit analytic methods and computational aided simulation. The relevant experiments show that this pulse transformer can meet the requirements of 50MW x-band klystron.