Dependence of the microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-resistant steel sheets with a guaranteed yield strength of 420 MPa on the thermomechanical processing


Knyazyuk T. V.1,Motovilina G. D.1,Novoskoltsev N. S.1,Kondratiev N. A.1


1. NRC Kurchatov Institute – CRISM Prometey


For the production of sheets with a thickness of 5 and 15 mm from cold-resistant steel with a guaranteed yield strength of 420 MPa, continuous rolling was developed and tested in laboratory conditions. The present study considers the influence of the parameters of thermal deformation treatment (temperature of the end of rolling and cooling rate) on the formation of the final microstructure. The mechanical properties of the sheets were analyzed taking into account the formed structural features. Technological recommendations for hot rolling of low-carbon low-alloy steel sheets with a guaranteed yield strength of 420 MPa are proposed.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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