Unifying chemical compositions of high-strength steels in shipbuilding


Kovalchuk M. V.1,Oryshchenko A. S.2,Malyshevsky V. A.2,Petrov S. N.2,Shumilov E. A.2


1. National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”

2. NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – CRISM “Prometey”


The problems of creation of structural high-strength steels of unified chemical composition and production technologies ensuring the yield point in the range of 590–950 MPa have been considered. The possibility of obtaining such materials appeared after extensive studies on the Gleeble 3800 thermomechanical simulator and Quarto 800 laboratory mill confirming the possibility of unifying chemical compositions of high-strength steels with adjustable yield strength within the specified limits. Given the identity of the results of steel treatment on the mentioned equipment and Quarto 5000 industrial mill, the results achieved in the present work could be realized in industry.



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