Effects of external influencing factors on the microstructure and physico-mechanical characteristics of glass-reinforced polymer composite material based on polyimide binder


Kurnosov A. O.1,Slavin A. V.1,Gunyaeva A. G.1,Kapustianskaia M. A.1,Gulyaev A. I.1


1. National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» – VIAM


The article presents the results of experimental studies of the effects of external influencing factors (natural exposure in climatic zones, such as a temperate climate and a climate with an industrial atmosphere, during accelerated climatic tests in a thermal humidity chamber, during thermal aging, exposure in technical environments) on the microstructure and physical and mechanical characteristics of a glass-reinforced polymer composite material grade VPS-72 based on polyimide binder grade VS-51. The state of the surface of fiberglass samples after exposure was studied for one year.



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