Development of technology for obtaining nanostructured composite coating of Kh20N80–Cr–TiC


Bobkova T. I.1,Bystrov R. Yu.1,Vasiliev A. F.1,Gerashchenkov D. A.1,Farmakovsky B. V.1


1. NRC «Kurchatov Institute» – CRISM «Prometey»


The paper presents results of a comprehensive study on the development of technology for the production of composite nanostructured functional coatings based on the Kh20N80 – chromium – TiC system using the supersonic cold gas dynamic spraying method. Composite coating powders are obtained by chromium plating of a matrix powder made of alloy Kh20N80 followed by the application of a reinforcing coating of TiC nanoparticles. The resulting coating has a high level of microhardness, modulus of elasticity and resistance to wear. A distinctive feature of the resulting coating is its reliable operation without destruction for a long time (more than 4800 hours).



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