Effects of the alloying elements ratio in the Ni–Al–Cr–W–Mo–Ta system on the thermal fatigue resistance of the deposited metal


Zorin I. V.1,Sokolov G. N.1,Artemyev A. A.1,Dubtsov Yu. N.1,Denisevich D. S.1,Lysak V. I.1,Kharlamov V. O.1


1. Volgograd State Technical University


The article presents an analysis of the influence of the alloying elements ratio in the Ni-Al-Cr-WMo-Ta system on the resistance of the deposited metal against thermal fatigue. The combined effect of alloying elements on the crack resistance of weld metal under cyclic temperature changes in the range of 20–1150°C is established. It is shown that in the alloying system, the sensitivity of a metal to the formation of thermal fatigue cracks mainly depends on the number of refractory elements that cause the formation of topologically closepacked (TCP) phases. The content in the deposited metal of 3.5 wt.% tungsten, 3.0 wt.% molybdenum, 2.5 wt.% tantalum does not cause the appearance of fatigue cracks. The developed deposited metal provides high level of thermal and oxidation wear resistance compared to highly doped nickel and cobalt industrial alloys.



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