1. Humanity in the new reality: global biotechnological challenges. Resp. ed. G.L. Belkin; ed.-st. M.I. Frolova. Moscow: CANON+ Publ., 2022. (in Rus.).
2. Neurotechnologies and technoscience: the phenomenon of biotechnoidentity: sat. scientific. Art. ed. R.R. Belyaletdinova. Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow University for the Humanities, 2020. (in Rus.).
3. Shevchenko S.Yu. Hope found and invented. Epistemo-logy of virtues and humanitarian expertise of biotechnologies. Moscow: Progress-Tradition Publ., 2020. (in Rus.).
4. Popova O.V. The body as a territory of technology from social engineering to the ethics of biotechnological design. Moscow: CANON+ Publ., 2020. (in Rus.).
5. Man in the global world: risks and prospects. Ed. M.I. Frolova. Moscow: CANON+ Publ., 2020. (in Rus.).