Influence of progressive spectacles correction on the eye hydrodynamics indicators and ocular morphometric parameters in presbyopic persons


Gndoyan Irina A.,Petraevsky Aleksei V.,Kuznetsova Natal’ya A.,Kushtareva Liliya B.


Purpose: To study the eye hydrodynamics indicators and eye morphometric parameters in presbyopic subjects with emmetropia and hyperopia under the usual professional visual load with using of progressive and monofocal spectacles correction. Material and methods: 49 subjects (98 eyes) of 4556 y.o., mean age (48 1.7) years, were examined. There were 20 men and 29 women. Emmetropia was present in 22 subjects (44 eyes), mild degree of hyperopia in 19 subjects (38 eyes) and moderate degree of hyperopia in 8 subjects (16 eyes). All subjects who were included in the study had not any eye diseases other than presbyopia and hyperopia. All persons were examined against the background of intense visual load at the end of the working day. First examination was performed without spectacles using, second one after prescribing and using of monofocal or progressive spectacles correction. The examination methods were represented by visometry, refractometry, pneumotonometry, computer tonography, ultrasound biometry, determination of accommodation amplitude using the Push up test, optical coherence tomography of the anterior segment of the eye. Results: The critic intensity of eye hydrodynamics processes, anterior chamber depth decreasing and the iridocorneal angle increasing were revealed under conditions of visual load at near distance in presbyopic patients with hyperopia and emmetropia without spectacles correction. Using of progressive spectacles correction led to significant decreasing of intraocular pressure (IOP) (p 0.001), increasing of aqeous humor outflow (p 0.001), anterior chamber depth decreasing (p 0.01 in emmetropia and p 0.001 in hyperopia) and iridocorneal angle increasing (p 0.001). Significant increasing of the accommodation amplitude was recorded with using of progressive correction in both hyperopic (p 0.001) and emmetropic subjects (p 0.05). Conclusion: The use of progressive glasses as a permanent correction has a positive effect on the state of eye hydrodynamics and morphometric parameters of the anterior chamber in emmetropic and hypermetropic patients with presbyopia. Lack of correction in persons of presbyopic age not only causes visual fatigue, but can lead to disruption of hydrodynamic balance and the development of glaucoma.


Volgograd State Medical University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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