Korzhova T.M., ,Bugaeva L.I.,Lebedeva S.A.,Getmanenko A.Yu.,Spasov A.A., , , , , , , , ,
The article presents the results of a study on the effect of alimentary hypomagnesemia of varying severityinpregnant female rats on the physical development and condition of their offspring. The experiments were carried out on offspring born from female rats that were on a magnesium-deficient diet for 2 and 4 months until the moment of conception. After this time, the magnesium level in blood plasma and erythrocytes was determined. With adecrease in the nutrient in plasma from 0.7 mmol/l and in erythrocytes from 1.7 mmol/l of rats, females were mated with intact males. After birth, the offspringwere assessed: survival, general condition, body weight gain, physical development and the formation of sensory-motor reflexes.It has been established that alimentary hypomagnesemia of varying severity in female rats negatively affects the general conditionand physical development of their offspring.
Volgograd State Medical University
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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