Parovatkin M.I., ,Aleksandrov V.V.,Ponomarev K.E.,Maskin S.S., , ,
Nonspecific purulent-inflammatory lesions of the spine are rare anddifficult to diagnose diseases. At the same time, there is an increase in the frequency of their occurrence and unsatisfactory treatment results remain.Aim of the study.By demonstrating these clinical cases, to emphasize the complexity of timely diagnosis of nonspecific spondylodiscites and their purulent-inflammatory complications, to show the possibilities of mini-invasive treatment options for the pathology in questionMaterial and methods.The description of these clinical cases was carried out in accordance with the recommendations and explanations of the CARE (CAse REport) and SCARE (Surgical CAse REport) groups. The article presents patients with nonspecific spondylodiscites with purulent-inflammatory complications who were treated at the State Clinical Hospital No. 25 of Volgograd. The study was carried out in accordance with the ethical norms of the Helsinki Declaration and the «Rules of Clinical Practicein the Russian Federation» approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No.266 dated 06.19.2003. Patients gave their free informed consent to the publication of clinical cases in the open press.Results.Using the example of two clinical cases, the complexity of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of nonspecific spondylodiscites with purulent-inflammatory complications is shown, the possibility of percutaneous drainage of abscesses as an independent treatment option is substantiated.Conclusion.With a long-term pain syndrome in the back, not relieved bynonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the presence of risk factors, an instrumental examination of the spine was performed to exclude this pathology. Sanitation anddrainage of a abscess can be an independent operation.
Volgograd State Medical University
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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