
Samotrueva M. A.1ORCID,Yasenyavskaya A. L.1ORCID,Bashkina O. A.1ORCID,Myasoedov N. F.2ORCID,Andreeva L. A.2ORCID


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The most important direction in the development of modern medical science is the study of protective, compensatory and pathological reactions of the organism that occur in response to various stress factors.The aim of the study is the subsequent development of methods for pharmacological correction of these reactions. The remedies for the correction of stress-induced immunity disorders are represented by the glyprolin group – the Selank drug and the Pro-Gly-Pro peptide compound – and are of particular interest. The aim of the experiment was to study the immunomodulating effect of glyprolines on the basis of the “social stress” model.Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on non-linear male rats aged 6-8 months. A model of a sensor contact was used as a model of the experimental “social stress”. The animals were divided into groups (n = 10): a “control” group was represented by individuals with aggressive and submissive types of behavior, formed within the conditions of the experimental “social stress” for 20 days; and 2 experimental groups in which the animals were intraperitoneally administered Selank (100 µg/kg) and Pro-Gly-Pro (100 µg/kg) against the background of the experimental “social” stress once a day for 20 days. A functional activity of the immune system was studied on the basis of standard immunopharmacological tests: a delayed-type hypersensitivity test (DTH test), a direct agglutination test (DAT), a latex test for studying the Neutrophil phagocytic rate of peripheral blood, and the essessment of the leucogram.Results. It has been established, that within the conditions of the “social” stress, the changes in the immune response are multidirectional. That fact confirms the theory of “the immune disbalance” caused by the action of stressors. As a result of studying the effect of glyprolines within the conditions of “the social stress”, Selank and Pro-Gly-Pro proved to be effective immunocorrectors, restoring cellular and humoral immunogenesis reactions as well as the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and leucogram indices.Сonclusion. The carried out study expands understanding of the immunoreaction pathogenesis within the stress-induced conditions in order to further develop a pharmacological strategy for correcting the revealed disorders through the substances of the neuropeptide structure.


Volgograd State Medical University


Pharmacology (medical),Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology,Pharmacy

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