1. Cory, C. B. (1881). List of the birds of Haiti. Taken in different parts of the island between January 1 and March 12, 1881. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 6:151–155.
2. Wetmore, A. (1914). The development of the stomach in the euphonias. Auk 31: 458-461.
3. Bond, J. (1982). Twenty-fourth Supplement to the Check-list of Birds of the West Indies (1956). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
4. Pinchon, R. (1963). Les Oiseaux Faune des Antilles Françaises. Museum d’Historie Naturelle, Fort-de-France, Martinique.
5. Latta, S. C. and Jr. Wunderle, J. M. (1996b). The composition and foraging ecology of mixed-species flocks in pine forests of Hispaniola. Condor 98:595-607.