Rufous-tailed Hawk (Buteo ventralis)


Rivas-Fuenzalida Tomás,Burgos-Andrade Katherine,García Álvaro,Castrilli Santiago,Rosales Vicente,Ziehlmann Enrique,Figueroa Ricardo


Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Reference76 articles.

1. Rivas-Fuenzalida, T., A. Iriarte, E. Navarro, and S. Alvarado (2019). Historia natural de las aves rapaces de Chile. In Las Aves Rapaces de Chile (A. Iriarte, A., T. Rivas-Fuenzalida, and F. Jaksic, Editors). Ediciones Flora & Fauna Chile Limitada, Valdivia, Chile. pp. 115-239.

2. Blake, E. R. (1977). Manual of Neotropical Birds. Volume 1. Spheniscidae (Penguins) to Laridae (Gulls and Allies). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA, and London, UK.

3. Thiollay, J. M. (1994). "Family Accipitridae (hawks and eagles)." In Handbook of birds of the world., edited by J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott and J. Sargatal, 52-205. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions.

4. Pyle, P. (2008). Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part II: Anatidae to Alcidae. Slate Creek Press, Point Reyes Station, California, USA.

5. Remigial Molt Patterns in North American Falconiformes as Related to Age, Sex, Breeding Status, and Life-History Strategies







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