Britto Diana Babini Lapa de Albuquerque,Dias Fernanda Carolina Ribeiro,Silva Anderson Arnaldo da,Veloso Bruna Ribeiro da Silva,Alves Luiz Carlos,Santos Fábio André Brayner dos,Silva Júnior Valdemiro Amaro da
Autism is a neuropsychiatric disorder that develops in childhood and may have associated comorbidities, such as heart disease. As a treatment, alternative therapy means are being sought to conventional methods. For study purposes, autism has been induced through gestational exposure to valproic acid. With the aim of evaluating the vascular and cardiac effects of treatment with copaiba essential oil and white pitch caused by gestational exposure to valproic acid, on the 13th day of pregnancy, the rats in the negative control group received water and those in the experimental groups received valproic acid (600 mg/kg), intraperitoneally, once. The male puppies were divided into six groups: negative and positive controls; vehicle; treated with copaiba oil; with white pitch oil and copaiba oil associated with white pitch. TERRA® oils were administered via gavage for 30 consecutive days. As a result, a reduction in superoxide dismutase, catalase and creatine kinase and an increase in total antioxidant activity and malondialdehyde were verified. Presence of myocarditis, vacuolation and necrosis of cardiomyocytes. There was no significant change in area and diameter, but there was an increase in the volume density and length of cardiomyocytes and a decrease in the volume density of blood vessels and interstices and the length density of blood vessels. Thus, exposure to valproic acid during the intrauterine period caused changes in the cardiac microstructure. However, the use of copaíba and white pitch essential oils led to oxidative and nitrosative stress, and the combination of the two oils has promising results in reversing this condition.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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