Comparison of economic viability between photovoltaic generation on rural properties and soybean production


Ozanski Adrielle Cristina,Siqueira Jair Antonio Cruz,Nogueira Carlos Eduardo Camargo,Tokura Luciene Kazue,Cruz Maurício Ivan,Da Silva Renata Galvan Rutz,Gazola Thaís Caroline,De Moraes Guilherme Ozanski Fauraux


The main objective of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the feasibility of implementing rural photovoltaic farms in relation to soybean cultivation in different states of Brazil. The study aims to assist rural producers in making decisions regarding the occupation of rural areas with photovoltaic generation systems, considering that these areas could otherwise be used for crop production. Given the agricultural vocation and the need for food supply, these areas would be unavailable for crop production during the lifespan of the photovoltaic system. Therefore, data on soybean production costs and costs for implementing photovoltaic systems were collected. This allowed for the calculation of the profitability of each activity by subtracting the production costs from the revenues obtained through the sale of inputs. Based on these data, cash flows were elaborated, and the Net Present Value (NPV) was calculated for each activity. Photovoltaic energy generation resulted in the highest NPV in all states, with Paraná standing out at NPV R$ 4,340,184.85. Regarding soybean production, the state of Goiás achieved the best result for the activity, with NPV R$ 75,166.01. The analyzed activities demonstrated financial viability as they resulted in NPVs greater than zero.


South Florida Publishing LLC

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